Week Four of My Carnivore Journey

Week Four of My Carnivore Journey

Well, week four has been interesting. After cleaning out the fridge and freezer, I have almost gone completely beef, bacon, butter and eggs. I am feeling better, and the fog is lifting. I’m glad to be rid of the pork, it was really not agreeing with me on this diet.

Carnivore Diet and Back Issues

Before this way of life, I had some pretty painful lower back pains. I wasn’t sure whether it was muscle issues or spine. Well, I am happy to announce… it was inflammation in the muscles. Now I know because it’s gone! I had no idea the power of this way of eating until this happened. In the past, I had lost weight by cutting calories, challenging my will power and walking a lot. I spent 6 months and lost almost 80 lbs. By the time I was at the peak of the weight lost at six months, my back was still aching daily, and I was taking at least four Advil a day.

The carnivore way has eliminated my back issues in less than a month. OMG! This is by far (besides the lowering of the blood sugar which could kill I suppose) the biggest change I can feel. It’s even more important than the weight loss or the downsized clothing. I don’t have to rush thought the store and hope my back doesn’t lock up before I get to the car. I can “stop and smell the roses” now and It is like a whole new life.

Carnivore Diet and Bowl Movements

With all the good, comes a bit of bad though. I am having the dreaded big D (diarrhea). It has plagued me since the first week, but I was aware that this would probably be a part of the process. The thing is, I was also told this would pass in the first few weeks. Well, week four and it has gotten worse. I am still researching ways to calm this down so if you have any ideas, let me know in the forums. It makes it a little challenging to leave the house with confidence! LOL

I don’t get to do this very often but right after writing this post, I had one of the best steaks I have ever cooked myself. I wanna win the lottery and have this every day! Since I don’t do this very often, I hope I can get it right.

Carnivore steak night

Week Four Carnivore Diet and Health

  • Mood is getting way better but the big D has been a bit challenging.
  • The back issue and other physical changes are extremely motivating and it’s like a whole new me.
  • The brain fog is lifting, and concentration is coming back. Still not doing too much but slow walks when I can.
  • As for the scale, again, no weigh in this week. I don’t want to jinx the motivation that I am having with the weight loss and back issue improvement. 

What I’ve Learned on the Carnivore Diet

  • Going BBB&E has proven to be much easier and convenient than I thought. I figured I would be bored or sick of beef in days but that hasn’t happened. Ground beef continues to be my go-to choice because it’s affordable, tasty and extremely versatile.
  • Since the change to almost all beef, I think I’ve lost the taste for pork and chicken. We’ll see.
  • I am still including cheese once in a while and have felt no adversity to it, yet.
  • As always, I continue to drink lots of water, and I have not really needed electrolytes as much this week. I still salt the meat to taste every time. I used Redmond Real Sea Salt for salting the food and it was awesome. Before the way of eating, I used the standard Morton’s salt and didn’t even realize I could taste it. Redmond Real Sea Salt actually has taste!
  • There is a fine balance for me between fat a protein. The more fat I consume the more satiated I feel but the more big D I have. When I lower the fat intake, I get hungrier faster, but this is a fair trade off for slowing down the latter.

As always folks, this is my journey and in no way medical advice. If you are having issues, please contact your doctor. That being said, I can’t believe the changes that have happened in the last four weeks.

It is addicting to see the progress and it leaves you wanting to accomplish more and faster! It is hard but you have to remember this is a lifestyle of patience.

Feel free to join me on the forums to discuss my journey, your journey or and questions you may have.